Don't Stop Working On The Game

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[email protected]
Posts: 32
Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:50 pm

Don't Stop Working On The Game

Post by [email protected] » Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:03 pm

Dear ASE Team, Ark is a wonderful gaming experience for many because it has a lot of versatility, from flying, to swimming, to building homes on cliffs, in the water, my suggestion would be to never stop creating the game and let the players ideas be the reason the game succeeds rather than a storyline, or a limited amount of gameplay freedom. Don't stop taking ideas from players. Give their ideas a chance and I am more than sure your game will be a very successful game. Also, it would be nice if you had a grid line system for when placing building materials as a guideline. It's a bit hard to place anything straight without a grid system or guidelines. Let this game have the weirdest modification, let players build where ever they want. Don't stop improving the game. Add new things to build, more levels to level through, more maps, more places to build, more PVP stuff, and PVE stuff. Let people evolved through the building proccess from axes to modern or future alien technology. Let there be vehicles, boats, sky scrappers, rocketships, alien guns, armor, underwater whales, buildings, bigger deeper caves, let us dig like minecraft let's us dig, let us shape the world like minecraft. Let us have unlimited crafting abilities. Keep putting in new stuff... don't let the game die. Take player ideas and use them because a game is good when everyone gets a little bit of whatever they like and that little bit will turn into a lot.

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