I have some new dossiers to suggest

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I have some new dossiers to suggest

Post by Jaigantic » Sat Jan 02, 2016 1:41 pm

Y-huali dossier
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Common name: y-huali
Species: yutyrannus huali
Time period: Cretaceous
Diet: carnivore
Temperament: trusting

Also known as fuzzy rexs, yutyrannus is not as big or and aggressive as trexs but attacks if hungry or provoked. Going behind one were they can't see what your doing will make them lose your trust, so being in front of them were they can see you is safer. They are among the only reptiles that actually enjoy being in the coldest parts of the island so they will prefer the never leave wild or not. They will except food from your hand as long as you have plenty of it and stay were they can see you, another way to gain full trust is to drop live animals that won't fight back down for them to eat.

Their skin makes a miner grease that when mixed with snow can creat small amounts of polymer and bigger quantities of crystal, they are relatively fast and can take lots and lots of hits, sadly a downfall for the y-huali is how blunt their teeth are compared to t-rexs. The alphas of their species are willing to except humans trust and have a naturally cold saliva that quickly freezes people and slows down dinosaurs by a little, the roar of the y-huali is known to be the big mouth as it is much louder then that of rexs.

Leptic dossier
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Common name: LEPTIC
Species: leptictipuim pacasenden
Time period: eocene
Diet: omnivore
Temperament: skittish

A fast little ratish mammal that scarrys around structures and will scavenge food and sometimes steal from unlocked cheats, leptictipuim is one of the most useful small critters on the island and is considered infested. The presence of anything freak them out and they are annoyingly quick to dodge bites and the claws of the flying mounts, hunting them is worth it as their fur is the softest of all soft thing I have ever touched, I made a special sowing kit that can use the "silk fur" to make more efficient bed, curtains, mats and blinds. When I went to visit a friend I found out that he make small toys and life size (or a little smaller) stuffed creatures of the island, the toys were my favourite as they are super cute and can be given voice boxes to give them sound or make them talk to you, another ingredient that is needed to make half this stuff is a silk feather that I didn't know about.

While good for delivering notes and small amounts of cargo, they can be explosive when delivering set C4. A bad battle rat, but what they lose in strength they gain in strategy, leptictipuim sate the only animal that enjoys collecting and eating a parasite that when tamed learns to infest attackers with this parasite for special effects.
The parasite is known as the paramex subsorcix. It will enter the body of anything from a dodo and bigger, the affects include the loss of concentration that affect attack, contrail and resource collection accuracy. The biggest pain is that you pets tent to forget what command you last gave them and will switch their aggression level, a way of fixing their illness is to lock them in confined spaces and have a leptictipuim near by to make sure the parasite is under control.
Crylo dossier
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Common name: CRYLO
Species: crylophosaurus disilisolvis
Time period: Cretaceous
Diet: a rotten carnivore
Temperament: aggressive in the day but skittish at night

Crylophosaurus is the most featherful dinosaur in the entire island, the thick feather jacket starts from the neck and ends a little further than the tip of the tail. The "silk feathers" are really soft and require a sowing kit to use it. Crylophosaurus are in my opinion much like a mixture between a utahraptor and a dilophosaurus, but instead of spitting ozz that blindens opponents, they barf a strong stomach acid that dissolves wood, dirt, chitin, fur, keratin and flesh while resources like rock and metal are more resistant. Because they barf their acid a lot, their taste has a more spoiled kick to it. Most impressive to me is that I found out they have the ability to change their sex, so wild ones will almost always mate boosted, when tamed they will change sex at your command.

I remember our tribes campfire nights as the other hustle closer to the fire for warmth, I snuggled up to my crylophosaurus like it was a pillow that may have not given me as much warmth as a dimetrodon or a kiruku, but man was it comfy. The acid the dissolves the flesh turns it into a "spoiled prime" that the rotten flesh eaters gorge on. As well as all this, while scaring away wild dilophosaurus, they make your own dilos stronger.

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