Hud Options

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Hud Options

Post by TKentertainment » Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:14 pm

----- Xbox One -----
IMO, there is too much hud on screen. (I guess that's what you call it) Especially at home base. Something that's overkill is the title, health, etc. that pops over everything you own. Every wall, foundation, door, chest, etc. You name it. If you own it, a title/description is popping up. Maybe we can have a way to turn that off? But maybe make those options very changeable. For instance, I don't care to see it on my foundations, but I still want a title on my large storage chests, tames, etc. This would be a nice addition. I know PC has something similar that let's them turn the entire hud off, but the ability to permanently choose would be great.

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