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Come join our tribe!!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:03 pm
by Marine
Hello to whom it concerns,

I am here to recruit people whom our interested in joining our tribe on server PVE NA 451. We are a small rag tag outfit of 4+ members that our one almost daily. We have some dino's, we live on a island that is fairly safe. We will help train lower level players. Prefer mature players with mic's but will take in ones with out. Tribe is growing, come soon to be higher up in authority before leading rolls are all gone. my GT is BoggsUSMC3531MT . Our tribe is mainly a trading tribe

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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:10 am
by Vikapolyak
it turned out that it was a hardware issue, something wrong with the mainboard.