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New Tribe Recruiting (TooTurnt Trading Co.)

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:02 am
by TooTurntTan55
I've been playing Ark since the day it came out on a local server to learn the game in depth without any hassle. Now that I've Maxed my character out I'm ready to move to a PvP public server which I have and I'm trying to establish a base camp. I don't plan to be an aggressive tribe but will retaliate but our main focus will be on the defenses of our base. I want to run an operation similar to a Trading Co. to make profit on items from other tribes by trades and services. If this is something that interests you message me on here or Xbox GT: TooTurntTan55

Also open for any ideas on how to operate the tribe from within. Possibly set up something similar to a chain of command to help with decisions in making sure progress is being made to our tribes in go when other leaders are not on.