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Post by CaulUinTur » Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:05 am

Right now the meat consumption vs meat production makes it almost impossible to breed. Harvest rates have dropped roughly sixfold.
What the proper balance of all the stats should be is a hard balance to tweak, but if you intend to keep it this way please increase meat harvesting. If production is down sixfold, maybe crafting cost could be reduced by 50%? Then building stuff would be 3x as hard as it used to be instead of 6x.

I think if those two things are fixed most people could get used to the rebalance, though i find the health and damage return a bit on the low side in the new stat system. Also, a refund of stat points on dino's would have been nice. Now some people might argue their dino's to be useless with the wrong amounts in various stats, a reset on the dino statpoints would prevent such issues.

Kind regards,


Maddawg Sic Em
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:14 pm

Re: Rebalance?

Post by Maddawg Sic Em » Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:57 am

While all of these are decent points, this is a fan created forum. Most likely anything said here will never actually reach the eyes of anyone from wildcard.

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