Additional whistle commands

Feature ideas for ARK: Survival Evolved
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Additional whistle commands

Post by Tristain » Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:55 am


I thought of 2 new whistle commands that would be super awesome to have.

Scouting / Hunting Mode

This command whistle would work similar to the Following Mode with the following differences:

- The distance between the survivor and the target(s) dino(s) of this command would be greater than the Following Mode. (Something like 2 or 3 foundations would be awesome I think);

- Flying dinos would fly up and try to maintain a few "walls" (vertical distance) of distance from the player, but would try to keep up with the player on the X axis, hovering above him. When the player is on a flying mount, flying animals would behave like terrestrial ones, following the player from behind (horizontal distance);

- The aggression level of the affected dino(s) would be set automatically to Neutral while this mode is still active on the target(s). After being released from Scouting Mode, the aggression level would reset back to the previous assigned one. --------- This one is optional, and could be a Hunting Mode instead of Scouting Mode

This command could be given to dinos just like the attack and follow commands: A targeted whistle (single dino) and a nearby dinos whistle (multiple dinos).

The reasoning behind this command

Flying on a slower mount while having faster ones following you has the downside of being cut off by the following dinos and sometimes getting stuck on them. This also happens when you have flying dinos following you on land. Also, having a pack of small dinos following you from afar seems like a good strategy when you're trying to surprise someone. And sometimes, you just want that bronto to stop a few steps back instead of almost crushing you under its feet while it keeps following you.


Come Here

A "simple" command whistle that would make the targeted tamed dino to move close enough to be "used" by the player (mounted or have its inventory accessed). Flying dinos would land near the player, if possible and if the player was on the ground, otherwise, it would hover over the player close enough to be interacted with (again if possible. This could be impossible to achieve underwater).

This command could have an AoE version as well, but I don't see a reason for that, so it is optional.

The reasoning behind this command

Getting stuck could be handled by this command. The Whistle Follow command sometimes doesn't work in this case. And sometimes you just need that bird to land quickly so you can escape that T-rex that is trying to shred you to pieces.


Sorry for the bad english and I hope you enjoy these suggestions.

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