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Affliate Tribes

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:59 pm
by Evly
When you're playing Ark on a server with multiple tribes, some of us are going to run into tribes we're enemies with and others we're friends with. It can be difficult to work together with another tribe when you're constantly worrying about accidently breaking their building or killing their dinos.

Together with a group of friends, we thought of the idea of having affiliate tribes. Tribe leaders and possibly admin could agree to have an affiliation with each other (the affiliation would be created just like people joining a tribe would be created by holding down e and the other person accepting). Being affiliated would mean that your attacks won't hurt the other players, their dinos, or their buildings just like how it works between tribe members. However, unlike tribe members, you wouldn't be able to use their dinos, open locked doors/chests, or build near them. The affiliation could always be ended by tribe leaders and possibly admin via the tribe management page.

Re: Affliate Tribes

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 2:19 am
by Guinness
Great idea, this would save a lot of grief and also encourage a sense of community.

Re: Affliate Tribes

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:58 pm
by Biggx01
this is a good idea to implement. I however play on a PVE server and the only people I can hurt is in my tribe lol... I think its just the server settings. However it would be nice not to see friends in red when they come to visit. Having a option to set people as friendly, neutral, or hostile would be nice.

Re: Affliate Tribes

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:50 am
by Sphinx_AR
I like this idea. You could use all the allied tribes under one umbrella 'faction'. It just gets complicated if your ally is allied with your enemy :/ or some such underhanded diplomacy

Re: Affliate Tribes

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:53 am
by Sphinx_AR
I like this idea. You could use all the allied tribes under one umbrella 'faction'. It just gets complicated if your ally is allied with your enemy :/ or some such underhanded diplomacy