Advanced crafting

Feature ideas for ARK: Survival Evolved
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Advanced crafting

Post by Elphoran » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:19 am

Hello everybody,

before starting, sorry for mistake, english is not my best language :)

I have an idea to promote the crafting section. You have input a sort of "learning" when we tame dino, the more you tame, the more powerful the dino is ...

I love craft, and i love to make some squishy tools at early game, and i think i'm not the only one.
I had an idea about a sort of learning while crafting, with the use of your lvl item (Primitive/Ramshackle.... Ascendant) at the start you got a chance to craft these tools like this :

-90% chance to craft primitive tools
-5% chance to craft Ramshackle tools
-3% chance to craft apprentice tools
-1.5% chance to craft journeyman tools
-0.5 % chance to craft mastercraft tools
-0 % chance to craft Ascendant tools

So the farm begin ! and when you had craft more and more tools, these percentage will change slowly (the more we craft, the more we have a chance to make a better tool)

and this system is applied to all the item, pick axe to C4 explosive (if you craft 150 hatchet, you can make good hatchet but ONLY hatchet, if you craft a pick axe, you gonna have a primitive pick axe you fools ! :twisted: )

I think this system is really good for the tribe gameplay, with role, and the "blacksmith" got a lot of possibility, and need to farm a lot too, to become a real blacksmith, and it will take more sense to make a certain repartition of engram with some specialties. and i think that the "crafting speed statistic" would be more used...

Maybe this can be the same for the "architect" or the armor crafter...

I don't know if this idea was already proposed, but if it's not i would like to ask you if you can just think of it.

Thank you for making this awesome game !

Survivor Elphoran

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Re: Advanced crafting

Post by Spokis » Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:03 am

well written. :D The game needs to deliver better challenge.
It may not be too easy.
It's a survival game.
It would be good if the probability of success to lull the beast becomes more difficult the higher level.
No game is fun if you can run from start to finish over a coffee break.
Now that's more like something. :lol:
Would need sattsa little more on the sound effects, such as lightning rumble,wild dinosaurs roar when they turned, now can eg only players who rides on the t-rex mm Surface.
The sound is half the game experience!
Gets a little more experience with it, and scary at night when you do not see :lol:

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Re: Advanced crafting

Post by Dayjob » Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:15 am

This is a really good idea. In addition to your idea, I think there should be an option to upgrade existing tools with better materials; for example, upgrading a primitive stone pick to a metal pick just by using the metal ingots, etc.

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Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:19 am

Re: Advanced crafting

Post by Numpty2k » Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:29 am

I would love it if instead of creating better items you could upgrade the ones you got over a long period of time, for instance.

If i created a cloth top with low stats when I came to repair it, if it was below 25% there would would be a slight chance of increasing one of the stats by a very small amount. e.g. Armour or heat retention. This would further reward the player for staying alive for longer or for going out to retrieve there gear. It would have to be a very small increase but would stack over a long play period. This would mean a player that plays in the hot areas of the map could in theory improve their cloth Armour over time to cope with the heat while providing a bit of protection as a reward.

After an item has being leveled say 10 times you could even give the play the option to name the vest so they can identify it in thier inventory as special, if they trade it with another player. The same could be done for all the equipment needing repair. This would make holding on to objects much more rewarding. I remember them doing something similar in Starwars Galaxies but haven't seen it since its a brilliant mechanic and I would love to be able to name my long neck rifle to "old faithful" if its served me well.

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