Lights for Night Defense

Feature ideas for ARK: Survival Evolved
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Lights for Night Defense

Post by StellarAmbition » Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:18 pm

So starting off I was thinking about night raids and I came up with an idea for two new defenses that would be really neat to have.

First would a spot light, much like the ones you would expect to see on guard towers. You set them up and power them on and they move around looking over your surroundings. Maybe have an option to have them auto turn on at night, or when a tripwire is set off, even just have them always on if you want. Once they "detect" a hostile the turrent AI could kick in and the light would track the enemy.

Next up is the advanced version which is a WW2 style air raid search light. You could set them up similar to the spotlight and use the turret AI to track air hostiles.

I think these would be great additions to the game. They'd give players a chance to see who and what is attacking them and give them an edge when fighting back. Sure your turrets could do all the work for you but being able to see them coming would make surviving the night easier. Plus knowing which direction they flee towards would help those who want a little revenge.

Spot light example
400px-Blackgateprisonbao.jpg (20.71 KiB) Viewed 2131 times
Search light example
images.jpg (6.32 KiB) Viewed 2131 times

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