Come on! Lets work some of that Ark magic that has been used on so many extinct Dino's and bring back the Thylacoleo Carnifex to life in Ark. For those of you that don't know, the Thylacoleo was a marsupial Lion with a hell of a powerful bite of what has been guessed to be as strong as 250 kgs. It was a carnivorous marsupial that lived in Australia with a stronger bite than a Sabre tooth tiger or any know living mammal. Its weight was in the rages of 101 to 130 kgs and dates back to 2 million to about 35 000 years ago. It has no close relative in out today's world.
This Lion was the biggest marsupial carnivore that ever lived and was around, during the first humans.
I would love to have this added to the game and I hope you all would love it to added as well.