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XBOX ONE: Falling Through Map...

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:38 pm
by OP Gaming
So my buddies and I have been playing for a bit on a Non Dedicated Server and one of our guys ends up falling through the map on a CONSTANT basis and it almost has gotten to the point that he doesnt want to play.
When he falls through, usually its because of heights and jumping, and he dies first Then he goes through.
Is there ANY way to fix this?

Re: XBOX ONE: Falling Through Map...

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:51 am
by Dreadful
Happens to me when I get on a official server, I fall through the map on my server 583 and I just swim underneath of it until I reach land again. Only died once the first time it happened. Now I just swim to the land