Trouble connecting to server
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:15 pm
Hello, longtime lurker first time poster having a bit of trouble.
I've been running a dedicated server that my SO and I have been playing on LAN for a few months. We've been able to join with no issues. Recently though, a friend of mine has been trying to join our server. When he tries to join through steam it says 'server not responding'. I've tried sending him an invite, him trying to join through the in-game browser too. I thought that it might be windows I turned that off. As far as I know I've got the ports forwarded correctly. 27015 and 7777. I also tried a range 27015-27017, and 7777-7779 with no luck.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: WHen I try to join through steam it says 'unable to query info to server invite' the versions are the same....228.6
I've been running a dedicated server that my SO and I have been playing on LAN for a few months. We've been able to join with no issues. Recently though, a friend of mine has been trying to join our server. When he tries to join through steam it says 'server not responding'. I've tried sending him an invite, him trying to join through the in-game browser too. I thought that it might be windows I turned that off. As far as I know I've got the ports forwarded correctly. 27015 and 7777. I also tried a range 27015-27017, and 7777-7779 with no luck.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: WHen I try to join through steam it says 'unable to query info to server invite' the versions are the same....228.6