ok i got it fixed and once again is up and running for all those running your server from steamcmd to update your server all you have to do is open steam command again login then use the string
"force_install_dir (whereveryou installed your server)" space between _dir and the ark server directory mine is as follows for example
"force_install_dir C:\ArkServer"
and hit enter then proceed with the update string as follows
"app_update 346110 validate"
then let it run through and update then it should run as normal the 346110 number is more or less what tells steam what game or app u are updating its ark's appid number but i did this and it runs fine now the name of my server is sHtKiNgDoM password is turd feel free to join its being ran from a solid gaming rig off a ssd but will be brought down from time to time thanks for the help exi
Maintiaining a dedicated server help and info
Re: Maintiaining a dedicated server help and info
No problem. I will take your answer and fill it into some kind of troubleshooting guide in the main thread.